toyuq tamlı seytan, pomidor sousu, mozarella p...
19 ₼
pomidor sousu, tofu, pomidor, zeytun, bolqar bi...
17 ₼
pomidor sousu, mazarella pendiri, pomidor, bolq...
18 ₼
pomidor sousu, mozarella pendiri, pomidor, oregano
14 ₼
(bizim xüsusi sarımsaqlı yada sarımsaqsız ...
15 ₼
(bizim xüsusi sarımsaqlı yada sarımsaqsız ...
22 ₼
(bizim xüsusi sarımsaqlı yada sarımsaqsız ...
21 ₼
(bizim xüsusi sarımsaqlı yada sarımsaqsız ...
13 ₼
Pomidor, tsukini – balqabaq, göbələk, şi...
8 ₼
VEGAN - Tavada Pomidor & Tərəvəzlər – bal...
18 ₼
8 ₼
18 ₼
yulaf, süd, bal və quru meyvələr
6 ₼
yulaf, kokos südü, sirop və quru meyvələr
7 ₼
12 ₼
Kəsmik, xama, vanil dondurma və meyvələr
9 ₼
12 ₼
6 ₼
6 ₼
7 ₼
6 ₼
8 ₼
6 ₼
(Raw Food) (VEGETARIAN) yoghurt, cucum assorte...
6 ₼
(choice of VEGAN & VEGETARIAN) served with crou...
6 ₼
(choice of VEGAN & VEGETARIAN) served with crou...
6 ₼
(choice of VEGAN & VEGETARIAN) miso – soya pa...
8 ₼
(choice of VEGAN & VEGETARIAN) served with cro...
6 ₼
7 ₼
7 ₼
9 ₼
8 ₼
8 ₼
25 ₼
8 ₼
kahı, pomidor, xiyar, bolqar bibəri, qoz, qı...
8 ₼
brokoli, avokado, ispanağ, aysberq kahı, pomi...
9 ₼
(choice of VEGAN & VEGETARIAN) with special ho...
9 ₼
(VEGAN & VEGETARIAN) chickpea puree, olive oil...
7 ₼
(VEGAN pendirsiz və ya VEGETARİAN pendirli) (...
22 ₼
11 ₼
6 ₼
13 ₼
13 ₼
16 ₼
19 ₼
21 ₼
2 ₼
19 ₼
7 ₼
5 ₼
19 ₼
9 ₼
15 ₼
19 ₼
2 ₼
19 ₼
5 ₼
7 ₼
2 ₼
19 ₼
(choice of Special VEGAN Sauce or GARLIC Sauce)...
13 ₼
(VEGAN or VEGETARIAN) (local homemade lavash br...
12 ₼
(VEGAN with Soya Meat or VEGETARIAN with Paneer...
13 ₼
served with sour cream & crouton bread (basmati...
12 ₼
(VEGETARIAN or VEGAN) - served with your choice...
12 ₼
(GLUTEN FREE - pasta additional 6 azn) Mozzarel...
15 ₼
Rice, falafel, cucumber, cherry tomato, red cab...
19 ₼
Rice, humus, cucumber, cherry tomato, paneer ch...
19 ₼
Saffron rice, chickpea dal with Garam Masala, a...
19 ₼
(with or without caffeine) ASK FOR MILK TYPE (vegan milk extra - 2 azn)
5 ₼
9 ₼
8 ₼
10 ₼
5 ₼
5 ₼
7 ₼
7 ₼
5 ₼
2 ₼
5 ₼
10 ₼
6 ₼
choice of different taste
5 ₼
5 ₼
eye remedy – Clitoria Ternatea
8 ₼
black tea, cinnamon, blackberry leaves, ginger,...
5 ₼
3 ₼
10 ₼
10 ₼
10 ₼
with Jasmine or with Fruits
10 ₼
10 ₼
10 ₼
7 ₼
Anti Sleep & Energizing
13 ₼
eye remedy – Clitoria Ternatea
13 ₼
8 ₼
9 ₼
7 ₼
8 ₼
9 ₼
8 ₼
sirop çeşidiniz
8 ₼
4 ₼
5 ₼
Mango or Lime
5 ₼
8 ₼
apple vinegar drink
4 ₼
5 ₼
(Still or Sparkling) 0,5 lt
4 ₼
2 ₼
3 ₼
(Azerbaijan) 2018 (Semin Sweet) 0,75 lt
25 ₼
(Azerbaijan) 2018 (Semi Sweet) 0,75 lt
25 ₼
(Azerbaijan) 2018 (Semi Sweet) 0,75 lt
25 ₼
(Georgia) - 2020 - 0,75
45 ₼
(Non-Alcoholic) – advised for women only
8 ₼
Türkiye 0,33lt
8 ₼
Rusiya 0,5 lt
8 ₼
your choice of syrup
10 ₼
orange juice, caramel syrup and double espresso
10 ₼
wine with fresh seasonal fruits) 0, 75 lt
35 ₼
(homemade wine with fresh seasonal fruits) 0, ...
55 ₼
orange juice & Jägermeister
13 ₼
orange juice & tequila
16 ₼
(Kuba) (0,5 cl) – təmiz aqava
12 ₼
(Almaniya) (0,5 cl) - 56 müxtəlif növ otlar ...
9 ₼
Believe in yourself, you can STOP smoking if yo...
50 ₼
Please note that some items require preorder!
15 ₼
18 ₼
15 ₼
20 ₼
20 ₼
20 ₼
30 ₼
15 ₼
30 ₼
45 ₼
15 ₼
60 ₼
-5 ₼
45 ₼
55 ₼
25 ₼
20 ₼
25 ₼
20 ₼
15 ₼
25 ₼
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